
Take this short test before you begin on the Level Up Your Nutrition program. It's okay if you get some (or many) answers wrong. The pretest is designed to provide a baseline so you can see how much you've learned once you're done with the program.

All of the following questions are multiple choice. Select the best answer for each question by clicking on it. Your score will appear after you submit the test, but will not count toward your final score for the program.

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All of the following questions are multiple choice. Select the best answer for each question by clicking on it.

1. Nutrient(s) you need to obtain from your diet:
a) all 22 amino acids
b) whole grains
c) butter fat
d) vitamin X
e) water

2. Which food choice provides complete protein:
a) chicken
b) chickpeas
c) tofu
d) raw greens
e) peanuts

3. When might a person need to take vitamin and/or mineral supplements?
a) during stressful life periods
b) during illness
c) during pregnancy
d) when traveling
e) when working out
f) all of the above
g) b and c

4. Which is the best diet plan for everyone to follow:
a) all-plants vegetarian diet
b) high-protein diet
c) animal foods only diet
d) no-fat diet
e) no single diet fits everyone's needs

5. What percent (approximately) of the US population was overweight or obese in 2020:
a) 10
b) 25
c) 40
d) 70
e) 90

6. What could cause an imbalance in your gut microflora:
a) a highly processed diet
b) a bout of food poisoning
c) prolonged use of antibiotics
d) poor digestion
e) all of the above

7. The typical processed food travels how many miles from farm to plate?
a) 20
b) 200
c) 100
d) 1300
e) 10

8. What kind of problem does a community encounter when a factory farm moves in?
a) none, they are safe
b) the potential for spread of pathogens
c) air pollutants
d) water pollutants
e) animal waste spillover
f) soaring real estate values
g) b, c, d, and e

9. The best way to address food waste is to:
a) not worry about it
b) avoid buying food in excessive amounts
c) stock up so you won't run out
d) not dine out
e) buy only nonperishable foods
f) c, d, and e

10. Everyone should eat the following foods daily:
a) meat of some kind
b) high-fiber cereal
c) there is no one food everyone should eat
d) a raw salad
e) ice cream

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