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NOTE that you can read all of the Level Up pages and take the tests without logging in. But if you would like to earn a Level Up certificate, sign up to become a member before you take the first test.
Do you have concerns about what you're eating? Wondering what the heck's in your food? If it's good for you, or possibly bad for your health? Do you ever think maybe what you're eating is bad for the planet?
Many people share your concerns. They wish to know more, much more, about the food they're eating. But it's a matter of understanding nutrition, which is a science, so it seems complicated and overwhelming. And there's so much information on nutrition out there that appears contradictory. So it's easier to just eat what you like and try not to worry.
Still, you know it would be better to have a deeper understanding of what it is you're eating. And how it impacts your body, your health, and the earth. So we've created a program to help you do just that.
Level Up Your Nutrition will provide you with a simple but thorough understanding of nutrition basics. You will learn the facts and the hacks on protein, carbohydrate, and fat, vitamins and minerals, water, all of the basic building blocks of nutrition your body needs. You'll learn which foods are the best sources and how to make sure you get what you need in the right amounts. You will learn how good food is grown and the issues facing the farms that provide us with our food. And you'll learn how to eat right for a healthy planet.
The Level Up Your Nutrition program is divided into 4 sections, each with a Level Up Test at the end. You begin by taking a short pretest. This website is interactive so you can take the tests right on the site and immediately receive your scores. Once you sign up and create your account, the site will mark and save your test scores and provide feedback on your progress. You will be able to see your nutrition IQ improving as you move from the pretest through the 4 levels. Once you complete the program, you will receive a printable certificate to show the world you know your stuff.
It wasn't so long ago that Americans spent more of their money on food than they spent on healthcare. Now we spend more on healthcare than we do feeding ourselves. The US government has estimated that eating healthier could save Americans more than 70 billion dollars a year in medical costs and lost productivity. This includes those out of pocket fees we pay when we need health care or medications.
Obviously, a healthier population, one that knows how to eat well to be well, would be good for the bottom line. It's a win-win situation.
So here's your chance to level up your nutrition. You can decide to choose food wisely, eat to stay healthy, and help protect the planet from pollution, food waste, and climate change. Knowledge is power and nutrition knowledge is nutrition power. Why not go for it?